Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Forces of iMac

The forces of iMac prepare for their invasion of the land of Dell.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Long time no Update

It has been a while since I have done an update. Last one was about being back at school, this one is about being back at work. My last school term ended up being extremely busy, but thankfully it is my last busy one. Some professors seem to think that your world should revolve around their class. I tend to disagree. Next school term I only have three classes, so it shouldn't be very intensive. I even have Tuesday off, which is always nice. But the most important news is that I am again back at work, making money, and finally making progress on my thesis. Only have three more months to complete all the work and a majority of the writing. Hopefully I am up to the task.
In other news, Yoda has unfortunately been showing an increasing aggression towards strange dogs, which does not make me happy. Hopefully, we caught it early enough and with strict training we will be able to help him get it under control. So, he has started a very strict training regime which involves daily obedience work as well as obedience work in close proximity to other dogs at least three days a week. Beth's dad was thankfully very willing to help us out with this problem, because I do not think I would be able to handle it on my own. Most importantly, he has several dogs that are very well trained and ignore Yoda while they are working, so it allows for a great setting to work with Yoda in. Yoda appears to be improving, so hopefully everything will work out alright. Another advantage to this strict routine is that Yoda is becoming very precise with his commands. So, provided that we can get his aggression under control, we should easily be able to at least get his Canine Good Citizen Certification.
One other very important update, pending one grade, I will be walking with honors in December. In order to not walk with honors, I would need to get below an 82 in the last class I am waiting for a grade in, which I had the highest grade in the class with only one lab grade remaining. So, I should be walking with honors. So long as I can keep my last three class grades above a 92 average, I will actually graduate with honors.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Back at School

I'm back at school now. Been really busy with school work and such. Lots of reading that needs to be done. Not to mention the professor who thought no other professors give out work during the first week, so he should give out extra. Which means almost 100 problems, the majority of which were far from what I would call easy.

All of my free time has been spent playing with Yoda, walking Yoda, or playing on the 360. Not nearly enough 360 play in my opinion though. Been 3 days since I was able to play I believe. Yoda really loves going for walks though, and it is good for me to get up every once in a while. Sunday, Tuesday, and Saturday make great days to go for walks with my schedule.

I also do not like my senior seminar class. Not only is there a ton of reading for it, but instead of the Professor standing in front of the class and spewing his opinions, he expects you to give your opinions so that he can respond with something that trashes your opinion, usually accompanied with a smile which sometimes resembles a smirk. Crazy Liberal Studies people.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Video Game Voters Network

I have recently joined my first politically motivated group. I feel it is the first group that I agree with all of their views. Everyone should go and check it out at The Video Game Voters Network. If you are a gamer, you should join, and let your politicians know how you feel.

In other news, my claim with Paypal progresses slowly. I now need to get a document from a repair shop stating that my power supply does not work with the company's letterhead and contact information. So now I need to see if I can get a computer shop to write one up for free.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Xbox 360 and Ebay Fraud

Everyone should get an Xbox 360. Such a nice gaming experience. Now I just need an HD TV. It is even better in HD. Call od Duty 2 looks amazing in HD, pretty good on a regular TV. For some real entertainment, you need to get Perfect Dark Zero and play multiplayer games.

On another note, I was recently screwed by a Chinese seller on eBay. I'm currently in the process of resolving it so I can get my money back. The seller acted like he was in the United States, but when the package arrived, it was obviously sent from the People's Republic of China. I'll update as information comes in.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dog Treats

A common ingredient in many dog treats is propylene glycol, which is used as a preservative. It is also used in antifreeze and deicing solutions. It is consider safe for consumption by the FDA, however in large quantities it is believe to cause similar problems as the other more dangerous ingredient used in antifreeze, ethylene glycol. Since continued exposure to significant quantities might pose a health risk, owners should attempt to limit the number of treats they feed their dogs containing propylene glycol.

I am back at work now. This should mean more frequent updates. Maybe even daily updates. I also noticed my web traffic has increased heavily so I am going to look into a way to put that traffic to good use and make some money. I think this is most likely because if you search for "Random Information" on google, my blog is the second one in the list. Check it out, I'm really proud of it.

Google Search