Thursday, January 05, 2006

Dog Treats

A common ingredient in many dog treats is propylene glycol, which is used as a preservative. It is also used in antifreeze and deicing solutions. It is consider safe for consumption by the FDA, however in large quantities it is believe to cause similar problems as the other more dangerous ingredient used in antifreeze, ethylene glycol. Since continued exposure to significant quantities might pose a health risk, owners should attempt to limit the number of treats they feed their dogs containing propylene glycol.

I am back at work now. This should mean more frequent updates. Maybe even daily updates. I also noticed my web traffic has increased heavily so I am going to look into a way to put that traffic to good use and make some money. I think this is most likely because if you search for "Random Information" on google, my blog is the second one in the list. Check it out, I'm really proud of it.

Google Search