Monday, July 03, 2006

Long time no Update

It has been a while since I have done an update. Last one was about being back at school, this one is about being back at work. My last school term ended up being extremely busy, but thankfully it is my last busy one. Some professors seem to think that your world should revolve around their class. I tend to disagree. Next school term I only have three classes, so it shouldn't be very intensive. I even have Tuesday off, which is always nice. But the most important news is that I am again back at work, making money, and finally making progress on my thesis. Only have three more months to complete all the work and a majority of the writing. Hopefully I am up to the task.
In other news, Yoda has unfortunately been showing an increasing aggression towards strange dogs, which does not make me happy. Hopefully, we caught it early enough and with strict training we will be able to help him get it under control. So, he has started a very strict training regime which involves daily obedience work as well as obedience work in close proximity to other dogs at least three days a week. Beth's dad was thankfully very willing to help us out with this problem, because I do not think I would be able to handle it on my own. Most importantly, he has several dogs that are very well trained and ignore Yoda while they are working, so it allows for a great setting to work with Yoda in. Yoda appears to be improving, so hopefully everything will work out alright. Another advantage to this strict routine is that Yoda is becoming very precise with his commands. So, provided that we can get his aggression under control, we should easily be able to at least get his Canine Good Citizen Certification.
One other very important update, pending one grade, I will be walking with honors in December. In order to not walk with honors, I would need to get below an 82 in the last class I am waiting for a grade in, which I had the highest grade in the class with only one lab grade remaining. So, I should be walking with honors. So long as I can keep my last three class grades above a 92 average, I will actually graduate with honors.