Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Altolamprologous Compressiceps

Altolamprologous Compressiceps is a Cichlid from the African lake, Lake Tanganyika. It is a thin cichlid with a compressed appearance, making it more difficult for other fish to spot as it swims around cracks in the rocky areas of Lake Tanganyika. It is a predator that feeds on small fish and crustaceans. When hunting food, it will slowly swim towards it prey until it gets within striking range. When it strikes it will lunge forward quickly and grab its prey. Adult specimen are typically around 5 inches in length, but they mature very slowly and can take several years to reach adult size.

One of my prized Altolamprologous Compressiceps has died. He had an injury to his mouth the other night, and when I woke up in the morning he was dead. Now I am down to 3. He was probably worth about $50 when he died, luckily I had him since he was a juvenille, and they are much cheaper when they are young. The most expensive part of getting him and his other companions was the gas it took to drive across the state to the breeder that had them.
I took more pictures of Yoda last night, but I was tired and didn't get around to editing them and posting them. Hopefully tonight I will get them edited and put them up. I have to reinstall Windows on a computer tonight though, so I might not get around to working on the pictures. If I do, they will be up tonight. If not, then look for them tomorrow night.

AOL and Windows are two things I don't understand why consumers put up with. Windows is horrible, it doesn't just get screwed up because of all the viruses and spyware that is targetted towards it. It is so bad that it is self destructive. It is true, turn on Windows and leave it running, a fresh install with no software added and not connected to the internet. Come back every day and see if it is still running. Eventually it will have crashed, and that is just wrong. Why do people allow companies to provide them with horrible products and not go elsewhere. There are options out there. Then you look at AOL. They are so horrible they have the nerve to charge people for a service, only to make further money off of them by flashing ads in front of them. If you pay for internet service you shouldn't have to see ads. All the other ISPs are able to survive without the extra ad revenue, why can't the largest of all the dial-ups do it.

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